
This is the section on safety behaviors only from the above document which can be given to patients to fill out.

The EmetQ-13 is designed to measure the severity of symptoms. Further info can be found here. The range of scores is 13-65. Scores above 22 are normally considered as diagnostic of emetophobia.

The assessment has three subscales.

Items 1-6 indicate avoidance of travel and places where help isn’t readily available.

Items 7-9 indicate how dangerous exposure to vomit feels to the patient

Items 10-13 indicate avoiding others

Below is the Specific Phobia of Vomiting Inventory (SPOVI). A score above 10 is considered a likely diagnosis of emetophobia. Information on the development of the scale can be found here.

You can find a good page with the Y-BOCS (OCD) assessment here.